Shavuot – Moedim – God Honest Truth Live Stream 05/31/2024
In this teaching, we delve into the rich history and vibrant traditions of Shavuot, one of the major Biblical festivals. Also known as the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot is a significant festival within the pages of scripture.
Join us as we explore the biblical roots of Shavuot and its connection to the harvest season. Uncover the unique customs associated with Shavuot, from staying up all night to study Torah, to decorating homes and synagogues with greenery, the reading of the Book of Ruth, and enjoying dairy foods.
Whether you’re familiar with Shavuot or learning about it for the first time, this teaching provides a comprehensive guide to understanding this meaningful holiday. So join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about Shavuot! Enjoy the teaching, and Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday)!
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