This is a 3D rendition of the temple menorah. Created by God Honest Truth using Blender 3.0, Cycles render engine, and Davinci Resolve. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2021 God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

Today Christmas is a holiday well known by Christians and non-christians alike. It’s a season that places retail companies back in the black and decorates houses with lights and various attractions. But did you know that Christmas was not always celebrated by Christians and that Christmas was even outlawed at one point in time? Join us as we learn more about this holiday and this tradition, the scriptures related to Christmas, as well as the history surrounding Christmas. Come learn the God Honest Truth with us.Continue Reading

There is no drash with this stream. Given the amount of information needed to be presented with the “What Happens When We Die?” and the Thanksgiving holiday, we were not able to properly get the drash ready in time. However, we hope to have that drash for you next week.Continue Reading

Halloween is an old tradition dating back thousands of years. It always comes around on the same date, October 31, of every year making it easy to remember. And it’s a tradition that is celebrated not only by pagans, wiccans, and atheists, but also by some Christians as well. But where did this old tradition come from? What is it meant to symbolize? What does scripture have to say about this holiday? Join us as we learn together about Halloween and what scripture says about this tradition.Continue Reading

Through the years the original sin tradition that has come down to us, at least in some circles, is that human beings are conceived and born as sinners. We’re told that as soon as we’re conceived in our mother’s womb that we are sinners in need of salvation. But is this tradition true? Can we find evidence for this from logic, reason, history, but most importantly Scripture? Come study with us on the topic of “original sin” and let’s learn together.Continue Reading