It was a day that was prescribed, but once a year. The only time of year the high priest would go into the holy of holies to include a host of sacrifices and procedures going with it. It is also the reason we get the term “scape goat”. However, about 30 CE this day and sacrifice changed forever. Something recorded by Judaism itself. But what does it all mean? What is Yom Kippurim all about and how does this relate to our Messiah? Join us as we learn all about Yom Kippurim. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

The subject of the sabbath is one that has been debated over the years. Some claim Sunday, some claim the seventh day, and yet others claim that the sabbath is determined based on the cycle of the moon. In this episode we are going to take a look at this latter claim, commonly referred to as “Lunar Sabbath”. We are going to look at some history, some opinions, and of course, lots of scripture. So join us as we learn the truth about the lunar sabbath. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading