Dive into the facts with our latest video as we address and debunk misconceptions surrounding polygyny. In this insightful counterargument, we respond to videos put out by two widely-viewed channels that have presented incorrect perspectives on the practice of polygyny. We aim to offer a well-rounded and nuanced comprehension of this misunderstood topic, backed by research and scripture.

In this video we cover the angle of the “creation model” argument as well as various passages from the Brit Chadasha (aka New Testament). We show how these arguments and verses do not prohibit or oppose the concept of polygyny.
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In this thought-provoking video, we delve into a comprehensive rebuttal of teachings on polygamy presented by David Wilber and Mike Winger. Our goal is to provide a balanced and informed perspective on this controversial topic. We carefully analyze the arguments put forth by each of these brothers, exploring the historical and biblical context surrounding polygamy.

Join us as we navigate through the scriptures, addressing key passages often cited in opposition to polygamous relationships. Our aim is to foster understanding and critical thinking, encouraging viewers to question and evaluate the interpretations presented by these brothers.

This video is not intended to criticize or condemn, but rather to facilitate an open dialogue and promote a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints on this complex subject.
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In this video, we are diving into the arguments presented in “Does the Bible Endorse Polygamy?” by @119Ministries to provide a thoughtful and respectful rebuttal and shed light on the often misunderstood practice of polygyny. Join us as we address the misconceptions surrounding polygyny and present a counter-argument to 119 Ministries, backed by scripture, scholars, history, and more. Our goal is not to alienate those with a different opinion regarding polygyny, but rather to foster understanding and promote a conversation about this age-old practice.

Throughout the video, we’ll provide a more well-rounded view of polygyny. Our aim is to encourage critical thinking and open dialogue, allowing viewers to form their own conclusions based on a comprehensive understanding of the subject.Continue Reading

In this video of our teaching series on polygyny, we delve into the fascinating advantages and disadvantages of polygynous relationships, shedding light on the complexities surrounding this age-old practice. We will learn about potential economic benefits that polygynous households may experience, including shared resources and division of labor. We will discover how polygynous relationships can create expansive support systems, providing emotional and practical assistance within the family structure.

In addition we will also explore the potential emotional complexities and struggles that individuals in polygynous relationships may face, from jealousy to communication issues and uncover the social challenges and stigmas that individuals in polygynous relationships may encounter, both within their communities and on a broader scale.

Join us as we explore advantageous and disadvantageous aspects of plural marriage. Come with us as we get into the good, the bad, the ugly, but most importantly, the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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Dive into the pages of history and scripture with an exploration of patriarchy. In this thought-provoking video, we take a closer look at the family dynamics outlined in the Bible and examine the role of patriarchy from Adam and Eve to Yahweh and Yahushua to application in our own lives.

Our analysis goes beyond surface-level interpretations, shedding light on the nuances and complexities of biblical teachings. Throughout the video, we encourage an open dialogue about the implications of patriarchy and it’s relevance in contemporary discussions.

Whether you approach this topic from a religious perspective or seek a deeper understanding of historical family dynamics, this video invites viewers to engage in critical thinking and reflection. Let’s foster a respectful and insightful conversation that transcends time and tradition.
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Explore the fascinating tapestry of polygyny through history.” Join us as we embark on a captivating exploration of polygamy, tracing its roots through different cultures and time periods. From first century Israel to modern societies, this video delves into the historical tale of those who practiced plural marriage.

Discover how polygamy has been woven into the fabric of societies and groups that you would not even consider being polygamous. Gain insights into the historical account of polygyny that you are never told about. We will examine various perspectives on polygamy, from its inclusion in the first century all the way up to today.

Join us as we navigate the complexities of the historical account of polygyny to even include famous historical figures. Do not miss this thought-provoking journey into the past and present of polygamy – a testament to the endurance of scriptural marriage. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the history of polygyny.
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This video pertains to a teaching session exploring the concept of polygyny according to scriptures, the word of Yahweh. The teaching aims to clarify and understand the teachings of the Bible on polygyny in a truthful and honest manner. Related video resources on polygyny are also provided.Continue Reading

As we listen to sermons in church, we rarely hear about polygynists in the Bible with maybe the exception of Solomon. This leads many to believe that the practice was extremely rare. But is that so? Come to find out, there were many MANY men in scripture who practiced polygyny, including some of the greatest men of the faith and those in the lineage of our Messiah.

Join us in this teaching as we explore what the scriptures have to say about the men of the Bible who practiced polygyny and how many there were, and could have been. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the polygynist families of scripture.
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As we attend church or read through our Bible we occasionally hear about or read about certain men in the scriptures which were married to more than one woman. But we rarely ever hear a teaching on the subject which leads us to remain ignorant on the subject of plural marriage in scriptures.

In this teaching series we will explore what the scriptures have to say about plural marriage. This first teaching will lay the foundation for the rest of the series by defining and explaining the most relevant terms that will be used in the rest of the series as well as dispelling a few myths regarding the subject. So join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about what the bible says regarding plural marriage.
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