In this teaching we explore the life and significance of the Prophet Ezra, a pivotal figure in Hebrew history. This video delves into the rich historical context of Ezra’s time, examining his profound contributions to the restoration of Jerusalem and the Hebrew community after the Babylonian exile.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a student of religious studies, or simply curious about significant figures in world history, this video offers a detailed and engaging look at the Prophet Ezra’s remarkable life and his pivotal role in shaping Hebraic tradition. So join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the prophet and priest, Ezra.
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Step back in time and embark on a transformative journey through the life and times of one of Christianity’s most influential figures: the Apostle Paul. In this video, we delve deep into the remarkable story of Paul, from his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus to his tireless missionary journeys across the ancient world.

Learn about Paul’s extraordinary life as he navigates persecution, spreads the message of Jesus Christ, and establishes vibrant Christian communities in the midst of cultural and religious diversity. Explore some of the mysteries of Paul’s prolific epistles, gaining profound insights into his theology, passion, and unwavering commitment to the gospel.

Whether you’re a seasoned theologian or simply curious about the origins of Christianity, this video offers a captivating exploration of the man who shaped the course of history and inspired countless generations with his unwavering faith and dedication to spreading the Good News. Join us as we uncover the timeless wisdom and timeless relevance of the Apostle Paul’s life and teachings. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the Apostle Paul.
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In this captivating video, we journey through the life and teachings of one of the most enigmatic figures of the Old Testament – the Prophet Jeremiah. Often referred to as the “Weeping Prophet,” Jeremiah lived during a tumultuous period in ancient Israel’s history. Through his prophetic calling, he fearlessly confronted kings, priests, and people alike, delivering messages of warning, repentance, and hope from the Divine.

Join us as we uncover the profound insights embedded within Jeremiah’s prophecies and explore the historical context surrounding his ministry. Discover how his words resonate with timeless truths that transcend the ages, offering guidance and wisdom for our lives today.

From his poignant lamentations over the fall of Jerusalem to his visions of restoration and renewal, Jeremiah’s message is as relevant and compelling now as it was centuries ago. Through meticulous analysis and thoughtful reflection, we aim to unravel the complexities of his prophetic mission and glean invaluable lessons for our spiritual journey.

This video will help to deepen your understanding of Jeremiah’s significance and inspire you to contemplate the enduring relevance of his message in our contemporary world. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired as we embark on this illuminating exploration of the life and teachings of the Prophet Jeremiah. Join us for this teaching as we learn the God Honest Truth about the life and times of the prophet Jeremiah.Continue Reading

King David was the second king of the nation of Israel. He was selected by Yahweh Himself and is described as a man after Yahweh’s own heart. And although King David was a great man and still highly regarded, like the rest of us he also had flaws and made mistakes during his life. Join us in this teaching as we explore the life of King David and learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

King Saul is not generally counted amongst the great men of scripture and for good reason. However, there are still things that we can learn from the life and reign of the first king of Israel. Join us in this teaching as we learn more about the life and times of King Saul. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

The prophet Samuel was the last of the judges of Israel and anointed the first two kings of Israel. But how much do you really know about the mighty man of Yahweh? Join us as we learn more about Samuel and his life. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

He was the greatest man to ever live. The only prophet greater than Moses. The only man who was ever sinless and perfect. He is the only brought forth son of Yahweh and He accomplished something that no one else could ever have done. He died for OUR sins andContinue Reading

One of the strongest men to ever live, a one man army, a judge of Israel, and a servant of Yahuweh. This is the life of Samson the man who started the liberation of Israel from the Philistines. Join us for this lesson as we learn about the life of Samson, points we can learn from his life, and how he is a type and shadow of Yahushua. Come with us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

She was a woman selected by Yahweh to lead and rule Israel against a powerful oppressor. She held the title of prophetess, wife, & ruler/judge all the same time. She helped to deliver the Israelites into a period of peace that lasted forty years. Her name is Deborah is all about her, her life, and her accomplishments. Join us as we learn the truth about Deborah: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading