In this thought-provoking video, we delve into a comprehensive rebuttal of teachings on polygamy presented by David Wilber and Mike Winger. Our goal is to provide a balanced and informed perspective on this controversial topic. We carefully analyze the arguments put forth by each of these brothers, exploring the historical and biblical context surrounding polygamy.

Join us as we navigate through the scriptures, addressing key passages often cited in opposition to polygamous relationships. Our aim is to foster understanding and critical thinking, encouraging viewers to question and evaluate the interpretations presented by these brothers.

This video is not intended to criticize or condemn, but rather to facilitate an open dialogue and promote a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints on this complex subject.
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The prophet Samuel was the last of the judges of Israel and anointed the first two kings of Israel. But how much do you really know about the mighty man of Yahweh? Join us as we learn more about Samuel and his life. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading