For centuries the term “heresy” has been thrown around with hatred as slander and “orthodox” has been claimed with the utmost pride. But what is heresy and orthodoxy? Who is orthodox and who are heretics? Join us in this teaching as we learn the truth about heresy and orthodoxy. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

Who doesn’t like camping out? How would you like 40 years of camping out? That’s what our ancestors did when they came out of Egypt. And now there’s an appointed time for us to commemorate both this event and future prophetic events by camping out for a week. In addition, there might have even been a famous birth during this time about 2000 years ago.

Join us in this teaching as we learn all about this appointed time of Sukkot, also known as the feast of tabernacles, from scripture. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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Yom Kippurim is a day that is commanded to occur once a year. It was the only time of year the high priest would go into the holy of holies to include a host of sacrifices and procedures going with it. It is also where we get the term “scape goat”. However, about 30 CE this day and sacrifice changed forever. Something verified even by Judaism itself.

But what does it all mean? What is Yom Kippurim all about and how does this relate to our Messiah? Join us in this teaching as we learn all about Yom Kippurim. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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It’s the day of shouting, the day of trumpets, the feast of trumpets: it’s Yom Teruah! It is sometimes incorrectly referred to as Rosh Hoshannah, but in scripture it is referred to as Yom Teruah. Join us in this teaching as we learn about one of Yahweh’s moedim. Take part with us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

Scripture has many descriptions of violence and peace. How are we as the nation of Israel, those of us saved by Yahushua, supposed to view violence and peace? Are we to be pacifists in every situation no matter what? Are we to enforce scripture through might and force? This is a subject that has proponents on both sides of the issue.

So join us tonight as we delve into scripture to examine what the word of Yahweh teaches us about violence and peace. Make up your own mind on this subject based on facts and evidence. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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We are taught and traditionally believe that we are to worship God alone and no one or nothing else. Then we read our scriptures and certain translations have humans being worshiped. So this creates a paradox with what we consider to be worship. So do these translations get it wrong? Is our understanding of worship wrong? Or could there be something else going on here?

Join us for this teaching as we explore what scripture states about worship. We will learn passages describing worship and delve into the culture of the time when scripture was penned down. Join us as we learn about what worship is. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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Over the millenia languages have come and gone and grown and evolved. Scripture actually tells us where the differing languages come from and when it all started. Even in the Brit Chadasha (aka New Testament) we see people miraculously given the ability to speak languages that they did not know.

In some modern churches today there are still people who speak in unknown tongues or languages. But how does the practice of speaking in tongues today line up with what scripture tells us about this spiritual gift? Join us as we learn what scripture says about speaking in tongues. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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Tithing is clearly spoken of in scripture. Yet some today think that tithing is no longer possible, that we should not tithe, or even look upon those who speak of tithing with suspicion. But what does scripture say about tithing, even in today’s day and age.

Join us in this teaching as we learn the truth about tithing: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

In today’s day and age homosexuality is a hot and highly debated topic along with many many other social issues. We’ve known about those who have chosen the homosexual lifestyle for thousands of years. But are all the traditional notions about homosexuality outdated?

As the basis for our beliefs and the basis of morality, what does scripture have to say about the issue of homosexuality? Join us in this teaching as we explore what scripture has to say about homosexuality. Join us as we learn the truth: the God’s Honest Truth.
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Fasting is a practice that has been in use for millenia. It has been practiced by Christians, Judaism, Islam, Hindus, Egyptians, and many many more cultures, societies, and religions. However, it seems to be a practice that has fallen out of use in today’s day and age and has even become something that has been ridiculed and feared.

Some believe that fasting is starving yourself and that you will die. Others believe there is little to no benefit to fasting. But what is it that Scripture says about fasting? What are some of the benefits of this millenia old practice? Join us in this teaching as we explore what Scripture states about fasting and come to the truth about this practice. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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When thinking about life we ultimately come to think about death. And by extension we consider what happens after death. Our current traditional way of thinking leads us to think of a place of paradise or a place of torment. However, as the faithful we should always base our beliefs and doctrines on scripture itself: the word of Yahweh.

But when considering the concept of hell, what do we really know? What does scripture tell us that “hell” really is? Join us for this teaching as we dive into the subject of hell and learn from the scriptures the truth about what hell is. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about hell.
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King Saul is not generally counted amongst the great men of scripture and for good reason. However, there are still things that we can learn from the life and reign of the first king of Israel. Join us in this teaching as we learn more about the life and times of King Saul. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

Shavuot, the feast of weeks, and sometimes referred to as “pentecost”. It occurs some 50 days after Pesach (Passover), but what is Shavuot all about anyways? What is significant about it and how does it connect to our Messiah, Yahushua? Join us as we learn more about this feast day. Come with us as we learn the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

The Noachide laws, otherwise known as the Noahide laws, the Seven Laws of Noah, the Noachian Laws, or the Noachide Code, are a set of requirements known by some in a positive light, by some in a negative light, by some in a neutral light, and still completely unknown to others. There seems to be a lot of confusion and misinformation about the noachide laws out there on the internet.

So what are the Noachide laws and how should we view them? More importantly, what does Scripture have to say? Join us for this teaching as we explore what the Noachide laws are, the history of the Noachide laws, and what is being said about them. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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The prophet Samuel was the last of the judges of Israel and anointed the first two kings of Israel. But how much do you really know about the mighty man of Yahweh? Join us as we learn more about Samuel and his life. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

The Torah: commonly known as the Pentateuch and also the “Law”. The Torah consists of the first five books of the Bible. Some say it was given to the Jews at Mount Sinai, but was later done away with at the crucifixion of Messiah. Others say that the Torah was never changed or done away with. Even our Messiah had important things to say about the Torah. There’s even evidence that the Torah MAY have been in existence before Mount Sinai.

But what is the real story here? Has the Torah been done away with or is the Torah still relevant in our lives today? Join us as we learn the truth about the Torah: the God Honest Truth.
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Life before birth tends to be a highly impassioned topic. Advocates on both sides of the issue vigorously attempt to defend their position. As members of the body of Messiah, we base the position we have on what scripture states. But what does scripture say about the topic of abortion and life before birth?

There are some within the body that believe that scripture is either silent or arguable on the subject. Join us as we learn what scripture has to say about abortion and life before birth. Come learn the truth with us: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

Messianic Passover haggadah for the night of the Passover seder. Passover is a wonderful and joyous celebration of the power, majesty, & benevolence of Yahweh. Our Messiah Yahushua Himself kept Passover as an example for us to emulate before becoming the Passover Lamb for our sins by dying through crucifixion.Continue Reading

It is referred to as the holiest day on the church calendar. Although it is not as big as Christmas, it is still a huge day for commercial sales. Christians dress up in new fancy clothes, display images of sentient rabbits and hares, and decorate eggs with all sorts of elaborate colors and designs. It is the holiday of Easter.

And although it is supposed to commemorate the resurrection of Messiah, why is it celebrated with images and symbols not found in scripture as well as normally not being celebrated on the annual anniversary of Messiah’s resurrection? Join us for this teaching about Easter as we delve into scripture and history to learn more about this “holiest day” on the church’s calendar. Join us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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He was the greatest man to ever live. The only prophet greater than Moses. The only man who was ever sinless and perfect. He is the only brought forth son of Yahweh and He accomplished something that no one else could ever have done. He died for OUR sins andContinue Reading

One of the strongest men to ever live, a one man army, a judge of Israel, and a servant of Yahuweh. This is the life of Samson the man who started the liberation of Israel from the Philistines. Join us for this lesson as we learn about the life of Samson, points we can learn from his life, and how he is a type and shadow of Yahushua. Come with us as we learn the truth: the God Honest Truth.Continue Reading

Despite secular accusations, scripture is not misogynistic. The story behind Purim is further evidence of that. A young woman who becomes queen of an empire and risks her own life to save an entire people when she could have had whatever else she wanted. That’s the story of Purim.

Join us as we learn more about this important event in scripture, in history, and what it means to us today. Let’s learn the truth together: the God Honest Truth.
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We wear head coverings of many kinds from hats to helmets to much more. Various cultures and religions even have commonly accepted and even prescribed head covering practices. Even scripture mentions the topic of head coverings. But what does scripture convey about head coverings and how does that apply to us today? Join us as we learn together, the God honest truth contained within scripture regarding head coverings.Continue Reading

It’s an age-old holiday that we all know about and most of us probably have, or still do, celebrate Valentine’s day. There’s the focus on love and romance, but have we ever really questioned the holiday of Valentine’s day? How does Valentine’s day line up with our faith and the Bible? What’s the history behind Valentine’s day and should true believers participate in this holiday?

Those are the questions we are going to answer in this teaching. We are going to examine historical evidence and scripture to find out how, or if, Valentine’s day should fit in with our lives and our faith. So join us as we learn the truth about Valentine’s day. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth.
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Do you ever wonder what salvation is? Ever had someone tell you that you weren’t saved because you didn’t believe the things they did? Different denominations have different ideas about what salvation is. But how many of them come close to what the scriptures actually say that salvation is? How close does your idea of salvation come to scripture?

In this episode we will be diving into the foundation of truth, the foundation of our beliefs, the Bible to discover what salvation is and how to obtain salvation. Join us as we examine this very important scriptural subject. Let’s learn the God honest truth together.
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