In this teaching we explore the life and significance of the Prophet Ezra, a pivotal figure in Hebrew history. This video delves into the rich historical context of Ezra’s time, examining his profound contributions to the restoration of Jerusalem and the Hebrew community after the Babylonian exile.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a student of religious studies, or simply curious about significant figures in world history, this video offers a detailed and engaging look at the Prophet Ezra’s remarkable life and his pivotal role in shaping Hebraic tradition. So join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the prophet and priest, Ezra.
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In this video, we dive deep into two significant and often debated topics within Christian scholarship: the authenticity of the Book of 2 Peter and the Apostle Paul’s teachings regarding the Torah.

We will explore the historical, textual, and scholarly evidence concerning the authorship of 2 Peter. Was it truly written by the Apostle Peter, or was it penned by someone else in his name?

Then we will turn our attention to the Apostle Paul and his relationship with the Torah. Did Paul, a former Pharisee, really teach against the laws given in the Old Testament?

And finally, we will conclude by addressing some miscellaneous objections against Paul of Tarsus.

Join us as we delve into these complex topics, examining biblical texts, historical data, and scholarly research. Whether you are a student of theology, a curious believer, or just someone interested in biblical studies, this video aims to shed light on these fascinating questions. So join us as we continue to learn the God Honest Truth about Paul of Tarsus.
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Continuing in our series examining the Apostle Paul, in this video we will explore two aspects of Paul’s letters that have sparked theological discussion: his views on food offered to idols and the admonition to call no man Father.

We will examine the cultural and religious background of idol worship in Paul’s time, analyzing key passages from from his writings where Paul addresses this issue. We will look at how Paul balances Christian liberty with the responsibility not to cause others to stumble and what these teachings mean for Christians today in a diverse and pluralistic society.

We will also look at Yahushua’s command in Matthew 23:9 and its interpretation by Paul. Be prepared to distinguish between respect for spiritual leaders and the misuse of titles. Learn how this teaching is applied in contemporary Christian practice and leadership and our lives today.

Join us as we unravel the complexities of these teachings, offering both historical insight and practical guidance. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the Apostle Paul in relation to food offered to idols and calling no man “father”.
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In this video, we delve into one of the most discussed and debated topics within Christianity: What does the Bible say about homosexuality? We delve into the Bible to explore its teachings on homosexuality, examining key scriptures, historical contexts, and various interpretations to provide a comprehensive understanding of this often-debated topic.

In this teaching we will analyze verses from both the Old and New Testaments understanding the cultural and historical backdrop of biblical times. We will examine interpretations from different Christian denominations and scholars and address frequent misunderstandings about biblical texts. Our aim is to present various perspectives respectfully and thoughtfully, helping viewers to form their own informed opinions.

We encourage open and respectful dialogue. Share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below. Let us learn and grow together in understanding and faith, but most importantly on the foundation of the word of Yahweh regardless of modern cultural norms.

So join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about what scripture states about homosexuality. If you find this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up, share it with others, and subscribe to our channel for more insightful content on faith, theology, and biblical teachings.

#BibleStudy #Christianity #HomosexualityInTheBible #Faith #BiblicalInterpretation #Theology #Homosexuality #BiblicalTeaching #LGBTQ #Scripture #LoveAndCompassion #pride
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Paul’s writings have significantly influenced Christian doctrine, but they often spark debate regarding his communication style and the consistency of his teachings. Analyzing his letters, we will examine his writing style, rhetorical skills, and how effectively he conveyed his messages. We will break down Paul’s teachings on marriage and compare them with other biblical passages to see if they align with the broader scriptural context.

Whether you’re a theology student, a curious Christian, or someone interested in biblical studies, this video aims to provide a more complete understanding of these pivotal questions about the Apostle Paul. So join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about Paul’s articulation in his letters and his teachings on marriage.
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In this teaching, we delve into the rich history and vibrant traditions of Shavuot, one of the major Biblical festivals. Also known as the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot is a significant festival within the pages of scripture.

Join us as we explore the biblical roots of Shavuot and its connection to the harvest season. Uncover the unique customs associated with Shavuot, from staying up all night to study Torah, to decorating homes and synagogues with greenery, the reading of the Book of Ruth, and enjoying dairy foods.

Whether you’re familiar with Shavuot or learning about it for the first time, this teaching provides a comprehensive guide to understanding this meaningful holiday. So join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about Shavuot! Enjoy the teaching, and Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday)!
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In this teaching, we dive deep into the biblical evidence surrounding the Apostle Paul’s dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. Paul’s transformation from a fierce persecutor of Christians to one of Christianity’s most ardent advocates is one of the most compelling narratives in the New Testament. But how reliable is this story?

In this teaching we examine the scriptural details of Paul’s conversion as described in the Book of Acts. Through a careful analysis of the available evidence, we aim to provide a balanced perspective on one of Christianity’s pivotal moments. Whether you’re a believer, a skeptic, or somewhere in between, this video offers valuable insights into the reliability of the Apostle Paul’s conversion story.

So join us for this teaching as we learn the God Honest Truth about the conversion story of Paul of Tarsus.
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In this video we start to dive deep into a hotly debated topic within Christian theology: the apostleship of Paul. Throughout history, there have been countless discussions regarding Paul’s legitimacy as an apostle, with some questioning the authenticity of his teachings and claiming that he was not chosen by Jesus himself.

In this video, we are taking a rigorous approach to examine the evidence surrounding Paul’s apostleship. We will explore key scriptures, historical accounts, and scholarly perspectives to weigh the arguments for and against Paul’s apostolic authority.

Are his writings inspired by divine revelation, or are they merely the opinions of a self-proclaimed apostle? Through careful analysis and critical thinking, we aim to provide clarity on this contentious issue.

Whether you’re a believer seeking to deepen your understanding of scripture or a skeptic questioning the foundations of Christianity, this video is sure to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought-provoking discussions.

So let us delve into the heart of this theological debate together and test whether or not Paul is a true apostle. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about Paul of Tarsus.
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Join us on a captivating journey through the intricate web of historical and theological debates surrounding one of Christianity’s most enigmatic figures: the Apostle Paul. In this video, we delve deep into the question of whether Paul should be revered as an unwavering advocate for the Christian faith or viewed with skepticism as a potential adversary.

We uncover the complexities of Paul’s character and the multifaceted nature of his contributions to the faith. We critically evaluate the evidence both for and against Paul’s role as a champion of the gospel. Was he a staunch defender of Christian principles, or did his teachings diverge from the teachings of our Messiah?

Additionally, we tackle head-on the contentious issue of Paul’s apostleship. Did he truly receive a divine calling, or was his authority self-appointed? Throughout the video, we encourage you the viewer to engage critically with the material presented and form your own conclusions. Whether you’re a devout believer, a skeptic, or simply curious about the complexities of early Christianity, this exploration of the Apostle Paul promises to challenge your preconceptions and ignite a deeper understanding of one of the most influential figures in religious history.

Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery as we unravel the mystery of the Apostle Paul’s legacy. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about Paul of Tarsus.
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Step back in time and embark on a transformative journey through the life and times of one of Christianity’s most influential figures: the Apostle Paul. In this video, we delve deep into the remarkable story of Paul, from his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus to his tireless missionary journeys across the ancient world.

Learn about Paul’s extraordinary life as he navigates persecution, spreads the message of Jesus Christ, and establishes vibrant Christian communities in the midst of cultural and religious diversity. Explore some of the mysteries of Paul’s prolific epistles, gaining profound insights into his theology, passion, and unwavering commitment to the gospel.

Whether you’re a seasoned theologian or simply curious about the origins of Christianity, this video offers a captivating exploration of the man who shaped the course of history and inspired countless generations with his unwavering faith and dedication to spreading the Good News. Join us as we uncover the timeless wisdom and timeless relevance of the Apostle Paul’s life and teachings. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the Apostle Paul.
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In this video, we delve into the profound concept of submission as outlined in the Bible. Join us as we explore various passages from both the Old and New Testaments, dissecting the meaning and significance of submission in the context of faith and relationships. From the submission of wives to their husbands to the broader concept of submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ and submitting to Christ and the Father, we examine the nuances and practical applications of biblical submission.

Our aim is not only to unravel the scriptural teachings but also to address common misconceptions and challenges associated with this topic. Through engaging commentary and relevant examples, we strive to make the timeless wisdom of the Bible accessible and applicable to modern-day life. Whether you are seeking guidance on navigating relationships or simply interested in biblical interpretation, this video provides an exploration of what the Bible truly says about submission.

Join the conversation and deepen your understanding of this foundational principle of faith. Do not miss out on this opportunity to gain clarity and wisdom from the Word of God. So come along with us as we learn the God Honest Truth about what the Bible says about submission.
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In this video, we embark on a journey through one of the most significant and cherished holidays in the Scriptural calendar: Passover, or Pesach. This moed and feast day which commemorates the liberation of the Hebrews from slavery in ancient Egypt, is not merely a historical event but a living tradition celebrated by millions around the world.

In this educational guide, we will cover everything you need to know about Passover. Delve into the historical context of Passover, understanding its biblical origins and the story of Exodus. Learn about the meticulous preparations leading up to Passover, including the cleaning of the home to remove chametz (leavened products) and the procurement of special foods. Explore the significance of matzah, the unleavened bread eaten during Passover, and its symbolic representation of sinlessness. And learn how Passover is celebrated in the modern world.

Whether you are a newcomer to Passover traditions or seeking to deepen your understanding, this video serves as a guide to the essence of Pesach, otherwise known as Passover. Join us in embracing the timeless wisdom and enduring spirit of this sacred holiday and the importance of this holiday with our Messiah Yahushua.

Chag Pesach Sameach! (Happy Passover!)
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In this captivating video, we journey through the life and teachings of one of the most enigmatic figures of the Old Testament – the Prophet Jeremiah. Often referred to as the “Weeping Prophet,” Jeremiah lived during a tumultuous period in ancient Israel’s history. Through his prophetic calling, he fearlessly confronted kings, priests, and people alike, delivering messages of warning, repentance, and hope from the Divine.

Join us as we uncover the profound insights embedded within Jeremiah’s prophecies and explore the historical context surrounding his ministry. Discover how his words resonate with timeless truths that transcend the ages, offering guidance and wisdom for our lives today.

From his poignant lamentations over the fall of Jerusalem to his visions of restoration and renewal, Jeremiah’s message is as relevant and compelling now as it was centuries ago. Through meticulous analysis and thoughtful reflection, we aim to unravel the complexities of his prophetic mission and glean invaluable lessons for our spiritual journey.

This video will help to deepen your understanding of Jeremiah’s significance and inspire you to contemplate the enduring relevance of his message in our contemporary world. Prepare to be enlightened and inspired as we embark on this illuminating exploration of the life and teachings of the Prophet Jeremiah. Join us for this teaching as we learn the God Honest Truth about the life and times of the prophet Jeremiah.Continue Reading

Are you curious about what the Bible teaches about salvation? In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the scriptures to uncover the profound meaning of salvation is according to biblical teachings.

Salvation is a central concept in Christianity, but it’s true essence often gets clouded by misconceptions and differing interpretations. Join us on a journey through the pages of the Bible as we explore the rich tapestry of salvation—from its origins in the Old Testament to its fulfillment in the New Testament.

Discover the significance of salvation in the Christian faith and its relevance to our lives today. We’ll examine key passages and narratives that elucidate the nature of salvation, shedding light on its transformative power and eternal implications.

We will also dispel common myths from mainstream traditions that salvation is dependent on the personalized doctrines of their particular denomination.

Whether you’re a seasoned believer seeking a deeper understanding or someone exploring Christianity for the first time, this video offers valuable insights that will challenge and inspire you. Gain clarity on what salvation truly means and how it shapes our relationship with God and each other.
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In this eye-opening video, we delve deep into the scriptures to uncover the truth about Easter, a holiday celebrated by millions around the world. Many of us participate in Easter traditions without fully understanding their biblical origins. Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the real meaning behind Easter.

From the resurrection of Jesus Christ to the symbolism of eggs and bunnies, we explore the historical and religious significance of Easter traditions. Through careful analysis of scripture and historical context, we separate fact from fiction, revealing surprising insights that challenge popular misconceptions.

Discover the true biblical narrative surrounding Easter and how it differs from modern-day practices. Prepare to be enlightened as we unravel centuries-old mysteries and shed light on the thick tapestry of Easter. Whether you’re a seasoned theologian or simply curious about the origins of Easter, this video offers valuable insights that will deepen your understanding of this famous Christian holiday.

Don’t miss out on this enlightening exploration of Easter’s biblical roots. Watch now and uncover the truth behind one of Christianity’s most cherished celebrations. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about Easter.
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In this video, we’re diving into the colorful and joyous festival of Purim. It is one of the most lively and beloved holidays on the Hebrew calendar. Purim commemorates the miraculous events recounted in the Book of Esther.

Join us as we uncover the rich history, vibrant customs, and profound significance behind this cherished festival. In this educational and engaging video we will cover the historical background, traditions and customs, symbolism and meaning.

Whether you’re a seasoned observer of Purim or simply curious to learn more about Biblical culture and traditions, this video offers valuable insights and inspiration.

Join us as we embark on a journey through history, tradition, and celebration, and let the joy of Purim illuminate your spirit! Come with us as we learn the God Honest Truth about Purim. Chag Purim Sameach (Happy Purim)!
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In this enlightening video, we delve deep into the intricate nuances of what the Bible truly communicates about judging others. Join us on a journey through scripture as we unravel common misconceptions and shed light on the profound wisdom encapsulated within the sacred text.

Are Christians called to judge? What does the Bible say about addressing wrongdoing within the community? These questions and more are explored with clarity and insight, drawing upon the richness of biblical teachings.

Through careful examination, we navigate through passages often misinterpreted, clarifying the true essence of Messiah’s message. Discover the balance between discernment and condemnation, understanding the heart of Yahweh’s commandments regarding judgment.

Whether you’re a seasoned theologian or simply curious about biblical perspectives, this video provides a thought-provoking exploration into a topic central to Christian ethics and morality. Gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate relationships, conflicts, and moral dilemmas with grace and wisdom rooted in scripture.

Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery, seeking to align our understanding with the profound truths found within the pages of the Bible. Don’t miss out on this insightful discussion that promises to challenge assumptions and inspire a renewed perspective on the role of judgment in the Christian faith. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about judging.
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In this insightful video, we delve into the concept of sin according to the Bible, exploring its meaning, implications, and significance in the lives of believers. Sin is a fundamental aspect of Christian theology, yet its understanding varies among different denominations and interpretations.

Join us as we navigate through the scriptures, dissecting key passages that elucidate the nature of sin and its consequences. From the narrative of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis to the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament, we unravel the layers of sin’s complexity and its impact on humanity.

Throughout the video, we address common misconceptions about sin and clarify its role in shaping moral conduct and spiritual growth. We explore the biblical definition of sin as disobedience to God’s commands, as well as its broader implications on relationships, society, and salvation. Through a balanced interpretation of biblical texts and theological principles, we strive to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of sin and its relevance in contemporary Christian living.

Whether you’re a seasoned believer seeking deeper insights into scripture or someone exploring the foundations of faith, this video offers valuable insights and perspectives on the concept of sin according to the Bible. Join us on this enlightening journey as we uncover the truths and mysteries surrounding sin and its implications for believers today. Come discover the God Honest Truth about sin.
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Have you ever wondered what happens when we pass away? In this enlightening video, we delve into the rich tapestry of biblical teachings to uncover insights into life after death. Join us as we explore within the pages of the Bible, shedding light on the profound mysteries that surround this universal question.

Throughout history, the Bible has been a source of comfort, wisdom, and guidance for millions of people worldwide. Whether you’re a devout believer seeking deeper understanding or simply curious about the biblical perspective on the afterlife, this video offers valuable insights and reflections.

From passages that speak of heaven and hell to discussions about resurrection and eternal life, we will navigate through the scriptures to unravel the profound truths that address the destiny of our souls at the moment of death. Drawing upon biblical texts and interpretations from theologians and scholars, we will examine various viewpoints and interpretations that shed light on what awaits us beyond the veil of mortality.

In an age marked by uncertainty and existential questions, the timeless wisdom of the Bible continues to offer hope, solace, and reassurance. Join us on this journey of exploration and discovery as we seek to understand the God Honest Truth about what happens when we die.Continue Reading

Dive into the facts with our latest video as we address and debunk misconceptions surrounding polygyny. In this insightful counterargument, we respond to videos put out by two widely-viewed channels that have presented incorrect perspectives on the practice of polygyny. We aim to offer a well-rounded and nuanced comprehension of this misunderstood topic, backed by research and scripture.

In this video we cover the angle of the “creation model” argument as well as various passages from the Brit Chadasha (aka New Testament). We show how these arguments and verses do not prohibit or oppose the concept of polygyny.
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In this thought-provoking video, we delve into a comprehensive rebuttal of teachings on polygamy presented by David Wilber and Mike Winger. Our goal is to provide a balanced and informed perspective on this controversial topic. We carefully analyze the arguments put forth by each of these brothers, exploring the historical and biblical context surrounding polygamy.

Join us as we navigate through the scriptures, addressing key passages often cited in opposition to polygamous relationships. Our aim is to foster understanding and critical thinking, encouraging viewers to question and evaluate the interpretations presented by these brothers.

This video is not intended to criticize or condemn, but rather to facilitate an open dialogue and promote a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints on this complex subject.
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In this video, we are diving into the arguments presented in “Does the Bible Endorse Polygamy?” by @119Ministries to provide a thoughtful and respectful rebuttal and shed light on the often misunderstood practice of polygyny. Join us as we address the misconceptions surrounding polygyny and present a counter-argument to 119 Ministries, backed by scripture, scholars, history, and more. Our goal is not to alienate those with a different opinion regarding polygyny, but rather to foster understanding and promote a conversation about this age-old practice.

Throughout the video, we’ll provide a more well-rounded view of polygyny. Our aim is to encourage critical thinking and open dialogue, allowing viewers to form their own conclusions based on a comprehensive understanding of the subject.Continue Reading

In this video of our teaching series on polygyny, we delve into the fascinating advantages and disadvantages of polygynous relationships, shedding light on the complexities surrounding this age-old practice. We will learn about potential economic benefits that polygynous households may experience, including shared resources and division of labor. We will discover how polygynous relationships can create expansive support systems, providing emotional and practical assistance within the family structure.

In addition we will also explore the potential emotional complexities and struggles that individuals in polygynous relationships may face, from jealousy to communication issues and uncover the social challenges and stigmas that individuals in polygynous relationships may encounter, both within their communities and on a broader scale.

Join us as we explore advantageous and disadvantageous aspects of plural marriage. Come with us as we get into the good, the bad, the ugly, but most importantly, the truth: the God Honest Truth.
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Dive into the pages of history and scripture with an exploration of patriarchy. In this thought-provoking video, we take a closer look at the family dynamics outlined in the Bible and examine the role of patriarchy from Adam and Eve to Yahweh and Yahushua to application in our own lives.

Our analysis goes beyond surface-level interpretations, shedding light on the nuances and complexities of biblical teachings. Throughout the video, we encourage an open dialogue about the implications of patriarchy and it’s relevance in contemporary discussions.

Whether you approach this topic from a religious perspective or seek a deeper understanding of historical family dynamics, this video invites viewers to engage in critical thinking and reflection. Let’s foster a respectful and insightful conversation that transcends time and tradition.
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Explore the fascinating tapestry of polygyny through history.” Join us as we embark on a captivating exploration of polygamy, tracing its roots through different cultures and time periods. From first century Israel to modern societies, this video delves into the historical tale of those who practiced plural marriage.

Discover how polygamy has been woven into the fabric of societies and groups that you would not even consider being polygamous. Gain insights into the historical account of polygyny that you are never told about. We will examine various perspectives on polygamy, from its inclusion in the first century all the way up to today.

Join us as we navigate the complexities of the historical account of polygyny to even include famous historical figures. Do not miss this thought-provoking journey into the past and present of polygamy – a testament to the endurance of scriptural marriage. Join us as we learn the God Honest Truth about the history of polygyny.
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